Please join the leading American and Russian experts to discuss the role of NGOs, Public Diplomacy, and Media in formulating agenda for US – Russia cooperation.
The current state of U.S.-Russia relations does not reflect their real potential, nor does it serve the vital national interests of the two countries. In a world where the United States and Russia face so many common threats and challenges, they all too often view each other more as a foe than a friend.
The roots of this animosity go back to the time of the Cold War with both countries being cast as inevitable opponents incapable of finding common ground on any issue. Even today, the United States and Russia are separated not only by history and culture, but also by their geopolitical goals and domestic priorities. Contributing to the problem is the shortage of direct communication between civil institutions and business groups interested in better relations between the two countries.
No two nations can ever achieve total harmony in their world views. This, however, should not prevent the United States and Russia from trying to develop a constructive working relationship. Closer U.S.-Russia cooperation is not only in the best interests of both countries but the history of the past 10 years also provides ample evidence that a coordinated U.S-Russian response to world challenges tends to reduce tension and produce positive results.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
10.00 AM – 5.00 PM with Lunch Break:
Opening Remarks by Round Table Participants
6.00 – 7.00 PM: Concert dedicated to A.S. Pushkin’s birthday
7.00 – 9.00 PM: Concluding Reception